Responsible landlord and satisfied customers

Best customer experience is created through is created by versatile housing solutions, effortless interaction and services. We are a long-standing, trustworthy housing investment company that actively develops rental housing. The Lumo brand and housing services lead the way in rental housing.

For us, delivering the best customer experience in housing means providing homes that combine sustainability, sustainable lifestyles and comfort.

Creating the best customer experience is a key part of our strategy, and customer satisfaction and understanding customer needs are important drivers for our operations.

Convenient housing through solutions that make daily life easier

Sustainability is reflected in the daily life of our Lumo residents in various ways. We have made it easy for our residents to improve the sustainability of their housing and lifestyle by investing in housing services. We build all Lumo homes close to good public transport connections and diverse services.

Such locations enable more sustainable lifestyles, which we also support by providing our residents with access to shared cars and bicycles. We’ve also arranged so, that in some regions, Lumo residents have had the opportunity to pick up their online shopping deliveries from the shared facilities of their apartment buildings, we’ve launched a carbon footprint test and added zero-carbon heating to our range of sustainable housing services.

Read more about our services that make daily life easier and support sustainable lifestyle

Page updated 6 March 2024