Working against global warming

We operate in a sector that has significant environmental impacts in the form of CO2e emissions; for example, housing accounts for approximately a quarter of the average Finn’s carbon footprint, and construction and the built environment represent approximately 40 per cent of all CO2e emissions globally. Mitigating impacts of climate change is one of the focal points in our sustainability programme and its Sustainable cities focus area. Most of the set targets for the focus area of Sustainable cities are linked specifically to climate change mitigation.

Mitigating effects of climate change is included in all our business processes. Building more energy efficient housing is one of the ways to tackle challenges of climate change. By renovating existing buildings and implementing energy efficiency measures, we are able to cut down emissions resulting from the use of the buildings.

Climate change and the related extreme weather phenomena and other physical threats can potentially have an impact on our properties. The green transition also places demands on our business operations. We report on the related risks and opportunities in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in our sustainability reporting.

Read more on our Annual Report, page 25.

Page updated 18 March 2024