Work against grey economy

The models used by Kojamo to combat grey economy exceed legislative requirements in many respects. We continuously monitor the fulfilment of contractor obligations for all companies in our supplier network (maintenance, repairs, and construction) through the Reliable Partner service at the website.

We ensure the sustainability of our procurement activities and our capacity to operate correctly by maintaining a Procurement Policy and providing related training to our procurement personnel. The Procurement Policy is a comprehensive set of guidelines and operating models for processes related to the organisation and monitoring of procurement. We have drawn up a separate Procurement Policy for construction contracting, IT purchasing and property services.

For our property managers, we provide procurement channels based on framework agreements. The service providers in the procurement channels have been validated according to Kojamo’s guidelines and included in our monitoring systems. Kojamo’s project managers monitor the progress of work at our construction sites. The project managers have clear guidelines and operating models for the documentation of contracting, drafting contracting agreements, monitoring subcontracting and, for example, monitoring requirements related to RALA qualifications concerning technical competence and resource quality, and managing financial transactions at our construction sites.

We comply in our procurement with the obligations of the Contractor’s Obligations Act, and any party in our procurement chain or in a permanent business relationship with us must also commit to compliance with the Act, as well as the other components of our ethical code.

We require that all parties in the procurement chain that are involved in renovation, new development and property maintenance abide by regulations concerning work safety, are members of the register, take care of their statutory social obligations, and commit to achieving the Group’s environmental objectives. We do not accept the use of illegal labour in our procurement chain.

We also promote a safe workplace culture among our cooperation partners and, to ensure a high standard of occupational safety, we monitor, for example, occupational safety at construction sites by means of an indicator of working conditions (TR indicator).

Page updated 14 January 2025