The car share concept of Lumo rental apartments and 24Rent has expanded to vans. Lumo buildings have had shared passenger cars already for more than two years. Using a shared vehicle is ecological, smooth and effortless.
Due to the low utilisation rate of individually owned cars and the increase in the use of public transport, it has been estimated that one car-share vehicle can replace between 8 and 25 individually owned cars. The vans will serve even more residents with more diverse purposes of use.
“Shared vans are a great addition to our service selection. Vans help all residents of Lumo homes when they have to transport plenty of stuff or large objects. We offer a smooth solution for Lumo residents’ transport of goods,” says Sales Manager Mikko Purola.
You can now find shared vans from the largest cities and towns: Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Tampere, Turku, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Hämeenlinna and Lahti. The vans are available for the use of all residents of Lumo rental apartments.
You can start the use of a car share any time you need, around the clock. The reservation is completed online and the car doors are opened and locked with your mobile telephone. 24Rent is responsible for the operations of the vehicles: maintenance, changing tyres and insurances.
New pricing model is piloted
Last summer, new operating models were tested in Vuosaari, Helsinki when the residents of Retkeilijänkatu 1 got a shared Lumo summer car for their use. The residents booked the Lumo summer car online as usual but the pricing was exceptional. The residents used the Lumo summer car only with the price of the petrol.
“The residents of Retkeilijänkatu received this experiment well, many different users used the shared car and so it was on the move a lot. Pilots of the car share concept will also continue in the future.”
Kojamo Oyj keskittyy asuntosijoittamiseen Suomessa ja uudistaa vuokra-asumista tehden siitä entistä haluttavampaa. Asuntosijoitusyhtiön visiona on olla asumisen edelläkävijä ja asiakkaan ykkösvalinta.