Lumo homes conducted a survey among its residents on the sustainability of housing. Most of the respondents consider Lumo homes to be a responsible or very responsible landlord.

Lumo wanted to hear the opinion of its residents and any wishes they might have regarding the sustainability of housing, so it conducted a survey among its residents in the summer of 2022. Nearly 1,600 residents living in Lumo homes responded to the survey. Most of the respondents were from the capital region, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Oulu and Turku – the largest cities in Finland, where Lumo homes mainly operates.
The purpose of the survey was to find out what residents consider to be most important in terms of sustainability of housing. Based on the results of the survey, the residents of Lumo Homes particularly appreciate the comprehensive opportunities for waste sorting and recycling. The second most important thing for the residents is the indoor environment in their homes, i.e. temperature and ventilation. The third most important theme for the residents was the safety of housing.
“We have listened to the wishes of the residents, and since the beginning of autumn, we have made particular investments in recycling. Later in 2022, we will also launch a larger waste recycling project,” says Niina Turri, Manager, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Lumo homes.
The aim is to try to find solutions to the challenges in sorting and recycling both at home and at the waste collection point of each building.
“I’m happy that residents see recycling as an important theme. We also aim to increase the recycling rate of Lumo homes from 40% (2021) to 55% by the end of 2023. This is an ambitious goal, and we need the effort of all residents of Lumo homes in order to achieve it,” Niina says.
A responsible landlord providing services promoting sustainable lifestyle
The survey also asked residents to assess how responsible Lumo homes is as a landlord. Almost 70 per cent of the respondents considered Lumo homes to be either a responsible or a very responsible operator.
Residents were also asked whether they have used the services promoting sustainable lifestyle offered by Lumo homes and what they think about these services. The respondents were particularly excited about the Lumo homes carbon footprint test and the new Zero-carbon heating service. The respondents were also interested in shared vehicles, parcel lockers in their own house and charging stations for electric cars.
“We also received plenty of good suggestions on how to improve sustainability in our operations and how to develop our service portfolio for promoting sustainable lifestyle. Many of the suggestions were related to recycling, mobility and community farming. Our next step will be to assess the possibilities for implementing these suggestions,” says Niina.
Lumo invites residents to have an active dialogue
The survey on sustainability was the first step in the plan to form a permanent community with residents interested in sustainability, with which the sustainability of housing could be actively discussed in the future in the form of surveys, panels and information sessions.
“Through the discussion forum, we can brainstorm with residents when introducing new services, for example, or come up with new ways to inspire all residents of Lumo homes to recycle more efficiently,” Niina says.
“We will be piloting the discussion forum in the autumn of 2022, and if the residents show enough enthusiasm for active dialogue, we will expand the implementation even further for 2023,” Niina says.
Further information:

Niina Turri
Sustainability Manager