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3.3.2017 | Stock exchange releases

Correction to English Stock Exchange Release: VVO Group plc’s Financial Statements 1 January–31 December 2016 – Kojamo Group

3.3.2017 AT 13.50

CORRECTION TO ENGLISH STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE: VVO Group plc’s Financial Statements 1 January–31 December 2016

Correction to Key indicators Table in English Stock Exchange release:

Interest bearing liabilities are EUR 2,122.8 million, not Investment properties.

Key indicators

VVO Group 10–12/2016 10–12/2015 1–12/2016 1–12/2015
Turnover, M € 84.6 94.7 351.5 370.9
Net rental income, EUR million 49.6 56.9 222.0 227.4
% of turnover 58.6 60.1 63.2 61.3
Profit before taxes, EUR million 135.4 57.4 289.7 224.7
Operative result, EUR million 21.8 29.4 116.9 121.4
Investment properties, EUR million 1) 4,298.9 3,999.2
Financial occupancy rate, % 97.8 97.9 97.4 97.6
Interest bearing liabilities, EUR million 2) 2,122.8 1,494.6
Return on equity (ROE), % 12.9 10.8
Return on investment (ROI), % 8.8 7.6
Equity ratio, % 40.7 41.1
Loan to Value, % 2) 46.7 39.4
Earnings per share, € 14.58 6.14 31.38 24.23
Shareholder equity per share, EUR 251.20 234.85
Gross investments, EUR million 87.0 82.4 696.0 235.0
Employees at end of period 286 356
1) Contains non-current assets held for sale
2) Does not contain non-current assets held for sale

Further information:

VVO Group plc
Jani Nieminen, CEO, tel. +358 20 508 3201
Erik Hjelt, CFO, tel. +358 20 508 3225

VVO Group plc offers rental apartments and housing services in Finnish growth centres. The vision of the housing investment company is to be a pioneer in housing and the customer’s number-one choice.

VVO Group plc offers rental apartments and housing services in Finnish growth centres. The vision of the housing investment company is to be a pioneer in housing and the customer’s number-one choice.