Lumo Kodit Oy will construct 53 Lumo apartments in Myrskykatu 4 in Tampere in cooperation with SRV Rakennus Oy. The apartments are compact singles and two-room apartments. The property is to be completed in spring 2018.
The construction of the six-storey Myrskynkatu 4 is underway. Of all the compact apartments, 41 are singles and the rest two-room apartments. All the apartments have either a French or a glazed balcony.
- “This property responds well to the demand for small apartments in Tampere,” says Kim Jolkkonen, Real Estate Development Director at Kojamo Group.
There are diverse services and excellent traffic connections close to Härmälä. The building is located approximately five kilometres from the city centre, in the lakeside scenery of Lake Pyhäjärvi.
The building’s contractor is SRV Rakennus Oy Pirkanmaa, and the house is to be completed in spring 2018.
VVO-konserni on nyt Kojamo. Kojamo Oyj keskittyy asuntosijoittamiseen Suomessa ja uudistaa vuokra-asumista tehden siitä entistä haluttavampaa. Asuntosijoitusyhtiön visiona on olla asumisen edelläkävijä ja asiakkaan ykkösvalinta.