Kaija Consortium is constructing high-quality Lumo apartments for Lumo Kodit Oy at the address Honkaharjuntie 14b.
The 35 Lumo apartments under construction are high-quality and compact studio, one- or two-bedroom apartments
“The new apartments at Honkaharjuntie 14b are in line with our strategy and complement our apartment offering in Jyväskylä,” says Kim Jolkkonen, Real Estate Development Director of the Kojamo Group.
Kukkumäki is a quiet district close to nature about three kilometres from the Jyväskylä city centre. The near-by Hippos area features a wide range of sports services, including an ice hockey hall and a pool.
The contractor of the building will be the Kaija Consortium. The estimated completion date for the apartments is in early 2018.
VVO-konserni on nyt Kojamo. Kojamo Oyj keskittyy asuntosijoittamiseen Suomessa ja uudistaa vuokra-asumista tehden siitä entistä haluttavampaa. Asuntosijoitusyhtiön visiona on olla asumisen edelläkävijä ja asiakkaan ykkösvalinta.